Saturday, February 27, 2010

Comparing Cultures

This was my final paper for the class:

Paper On The Chinese Cultural Revolution

This is another paper that I wrote for the class abouy the impact of the Chinese Cultural Revolution on intellectuals.


During my Junior year of college I took a class on Asian Politics this is a movie that we watched on China. It was very well done and quite moving. Also it is interesting to note that it was banned in Mainland China. Here is the Wikipedia link to more information about it. Also, here is the paper I wrote for the class in response to the movie:

Ch.13 Practice writing sheets

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

In my ponderings of what got me interested in Chinese language and culture I remembered a book that we read in High School:
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. Here is a Wikipedia Article
giving an outline of what the book is about.
I remember being
taken in by the beauty of the culture and reading about the
customs of the people. And I also remember being very hungry
for most of the novel, not only when the characters themselves
were starving, but also during the descriptions of food that the
author gives. One more thing I remember is the color red and how important it was in Chinese culture and for some reason
the image of red dyed eggs for the birth of a son is an image from
the novel that has always stuck with me.

First set of Writing


我昨天穿內衣,挖子,牛仔褲,一件襯衫,靴子,一件裙子,一件毛衣,一件外套,和一件毛子。 -original

[我昨天穿一件內衣,一双韈子,一条牛仔褲,一件襯衫,一双靴子,一条裙子,一件毛衣,一件外套,也戴了一顶帽子。] -teacher correction

你借過東西嗎? 如果有, 借過什麼?

"我借原子閉給工作上周。我是服務員和須原子閉給下單飲食。" -original

[上一周工作时, 我借过原子笔。我是服務員. 需要用原子笔下單.] -teacher corrections